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Showing posts with label Unlabelled. Show all posts

Friday, January 13, 2023

evolution of airplanes

evolution of airplanes

Evolution Of Airplanes - A new study, published in the Journal of Applied Physics, uses a now-famous law of physics known as the law of structure to see the evolution of aircraft designs over time. Space and predicting the future of aerospace design.

According to Professor Adrian Bejan, the transatlantic supersonic plane Concorde has followed the path of the dodo - it is a dead end in evolution. This image shows a British Airways Concorde in 1986. Image credit: Eduard Marmet/CC BY-SA 3.0.

Evolution Of Airplanes

Evolution Of Airplanes

One of the traditional arguments against Darwinian evolution is that no one could confirm that this process exists because it is over a period much greater than that of human existence.

Conquerors Of The Air The Evolution Of Aircraft 1903

Duke University professor Adrian Bejan has disagreed with that view since 1996, when he discovered a fundamental physical principle that underlies the development of flow systems as they change their design. Design over time - the law of structure.

In the new study, Professor Bejan and his co-authors applied the law of structure to airplanes, showing "that we can witness the evolution in our lifetimes by the development of a flow system a little more than a century let's go.

"The evolution of species on Earth is over a period too vast for humans to see. But the evolution of our use of technology and airplanes to transport people and goods has taken place in less than a human lifetime, which is makes visible to all observers. Professor Bejan, lead author of the study, explains: "Evolution is a universal phenomenon that encompasses technology, watershed and animal design, and it is rooted in physics as a law of creation.

In the case of airplanes, designs have evolved to allow more people and goods to travel across the Earth's surface.

Pdf] Design Of The Blended Wing Body Subsonic Transport

The building code also establishes important design features required for the aircraft - engine mass remains proportional to frame size, wing size is tied to fuselage length and fuel load. .

The evolution of large model aircraft in the 100-year history of aviation. Image credit: A. Bejan et al.

"We have shown that larger aircraft are faster, more efficient as a vehicle, and have a longer range. The mass of the engine is proportional to the body mass, a design character like that in animals, where the mass of the motor organs - Muscles, heart and lungs - is proportional to the body mass," said the educator. Monk Bejan said.

Evolution Of Airplanes

Professor Bejan said: “The Concorde was too far ahead of the scale that produced the evolution in passenger aircraft.

Physics Law Helps Explain Evolution Of Passenger Airplanes

"The destroyed aircraft had limited passenger capacity, low mass-to-speed ratio, unusual fuselage-to-wingspan ratio, large engines and poor fuel economy. It had to adhere to building design rules to be successful.

Because the data in the study suggest that aircraft design has followed an evolutionary path dictated by structural law, Professor Bejan believes it will be easier to predict the next stages.

"This research gives a rough sketch of the aircraft designs that take you into the game. For design companies, it's money in the bank," says Professor Bejan. The material has a strong acrylic-based adhesive and is known to have a containment function, which means that no color elements on the wall will show through the sticker. the sticker has a subtle, barely perceptible structure (like the material), but it is the material itself that offers strong and excellent color reproduction, which is ideal for e.g. Pets. They look so alive! Our material is extremely easy to apply, has strong adhesive, but is not as durable as all promotional films, such as First-Second film. The delicate structure on the surface of the sticker makes it possible to scratch it. However, this is not easy, the stickers do not have the so-called additional paper, which was used in the production of all stickers until now. The ease with which stickers are attached to our materials allows you to avoid this additional and often superfluous point of the program. Note, before applying stickers - any wall material - please prepare the wall thoroughly and wipe off any dust or grease on the surface. Labels can only be used after approx. 20 days from the last painting. For more technical information: CLICK HERE Industrial development is our celebration of human achievement. We believe in people (especially very young people), we believe in our abilities, our minds and our hearts. This collection shows how much we have achieved, that we have come a long way but still have a lot of work to do. That is why you will find here stickers with the first airplanes and cars, a revolutionary invention of steamships, mills and mills. But also into the future: rockets, future green cities, windmills and cars no longer pollute the air. Technology is there to serve us, that's why it was invented. We know that there is a bright horizon ahead of us, and that among our little fans of history, there are those who can change the course of an even better future! Support your little genius! Measurements of various factors:

Airplane: 1. The Wright Flyer brothers - it was in North Carolina in 1903, this invention flew 36 meters in 12 seconds! The first plane heavier than air flies like the wind!2. Curtiss P-40 Shark Mond from the first half of the 1930s. One of the main US military aircraft of the Second World War (Pearl Harbor) and ... a Hollywood star! This plane was flown (in the movie) by John Wayne or... the future president of the United States, Ronald Reagan!3. Silver-blue Helldiver, also known as "The Beast", from the same period. The first person dives down and comes back up in seconds.4. Douglas with an arrow. Passenger planes were first built in the 30s. Transatlantic commercial planes can carry from 20 to 60 people, a real game changer! Legend has it that the contract to deliver these planes to America was signed...on cigarette paper!5. Big, big planes like Airbus and Boeing. The largest can hold 850 passengers and travel at a speed of almost 1000 km/h (equivalent to 3 football pitches in one second!)6. Supersonic flights mean that aircraft develop speeds greater than the speed of sound. The speed of sound is around 1200 km/h and these planes can travel at 2100 km/h (about 3.5 hours from Europe to New York!). The last plane of its kind flew in 2003, but there is a high chance that we will see another one in 2027-2030!

Ultimate War Planes Collection At Eurographics

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Evolution Of Airplanes

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Gradual Evolution Of Planes

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electromagnetic aircraft launch system

electromagnetic aircraft launch system

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System - The traditional and battle-tested steam-powered catapults used to launch aircraft from airplanes were replaced by powerful, electromagnetic-based, closed-loop motor systems, perhaps.

For more than seventy years, steam-powered catapults have been the standard mechanism for launching aircraft from the flight deck, with cable-operated brakes used to arrest the descent. Without it, the plane could not reach a cruising speed of more than 100 knots in a few seconds and a hundred feet, and could not slow down to stop at the same time and distance from the landing speed. This system certainly works, as evidenced by how the operator's normal operation and quick turnaround system for launching and disembarking aircraft, often simultaneously thanks to the angled deck.

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System

The long-awaited replacement is based on a radical new approach called the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS), using an electromagnetic "iron gun" to launch/hold the aircraft, approaching full testing and eventual deployment. Development is long and difficult, and there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

U.s. Navy To Award Contract For New Electromagnetic Aircraft Catapult

:: A steam system uses high pressure steam to suddenly enter a piston - simple concept, very complex in reality. Of course, it seems to work, as it has been proven for decades and in battles. It can launch and take planes of various weights at a rate of one or two minutes per minute and can operate simultaneously because of its angled deck.

:: Steam-powered catapult has serious drawbacks. It requires a lot of energy to run, and it uses energy so inefficiently that it doubles as a steam boiler system (even in nuclear powered). To operate, especially in rough seas and potential combat conditions, requires high maintenance and a large crew. It is large and heavy, and space is limited even in modern operators; it is an open system with no feedback to control performance. adjust for different types of complex process lunch, and can only handle the type of aircraft, weight, and takeoff / landing conditions (all different).

Replace traditional steam catapults with EMALS to eliminate the need for ships to generate and store steam. This frees up space below deck and requires 25 percent less manpower. The Navy says the savings will be nearly $4 billion over the ship's expected 50-year life.

:: In the early days of aircraft carriers, other approaches were tried and failed. There were experiments with the use of weights attached to boots (the Wright Brothers' first airplane was successfully used on dry land!), but it did not provide acceleration and power. Hydraulic systems are used in some larger aircraft, but cannot provide the necessary thrust for larger aircraft. "Bottle rockets" mounted on individual aircraft are also used, but these also have weaknesses: they are complicated to match the characteristics of the aircraft; difficult to adjust and turn; cannot be fired (or quit) once; add weight to the aircraft; and there is no point in intercepting landings.

U.s. Navy Preps Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System

:: A steam catapult is usually powered by steam produced by a nuclear reactor (in modern operators) at a pressure of over 1,000 psi to deliver 615 kg (1,350 lb) of steam to the catapult through complex pipes and valves. control and piston. This is an open-loop system, once set up and running, there is no closed-loop feedback to control the loop in real time.

The physical location of the catapult system on a carrier is different from a non-carrier, where the boiler, steam duct and turbine shaft are close together in the engine room. Also included in the steam system are other hydraulic subsystems, a water system to brake the catapult after launch, and numerous pumps, motors, and controls. It is a large system, heavy, high maintenance, and shock absorbers shorten some of the aircraft.

:: Until recently, it was the only viable way to send the required high pulse power at the required magnitude and repetition rate.

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System

:: EMALS uses an electromagnetic "iron gun" to launch/hold aircraft. After a delay of five to twenty years (depending on how you look at the timeline), it is getting closer to reality, and Gerald R. Installed on the Ford (CVN 78) operator, it was "delivered" in 2017, but it will not be. It is operational between 2020 and 2022 (delayed from 2018) (Figure 1). John F. John F. Kennedy and provided funds for the installation of the company. .

Obama In India: India Keen To Jointly Develop Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System With Us

Figure 1: Cameraman Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) was the first to use the EMALS design, and it also incorporated a variety of advanced avionics, defensive and offensive weapon systems, and other technologies. (Image:

:: The EMAL system, with General Atomics as the lead contractor, should offer many advantages over the classic and long-used steam catapult, including reduced personnel requirements. 25% faster cycle time for other deliveries/discharging; reduced top weight (critical for vehicle stability and rolling resistance); and smaller physical size (Figure 2). Of course, all software control systems, and control via keyboard and touch screen; the appropriate button sequence by the dispatch leader will activate the faucet, (Figure 3).

Figure 2: The main components of EMALS will be installed under the rail, saving space and providing more efficient operation. (Image: General Atom)

Figure 3: The control center for EMALS will be a screen and keyboard instead of valves and pressure gauges. (Image: General Atom)

Every Navy Wants The U.s. Electromagnetic Aircraft Carrier Launch System

:: In principle, it will also offer advantages in Capabilities, as it can expand the types of aircraft and payloads, including unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV), very easily for steam systems; and closed architecture ensures more precise adherence to the target delivery profile. Finally, this allows the flight profile to be precisely adjusted to specific aircraft, loads and wind conditions, which will reduce stress on the aircraft during flight and extend its service life.

:: The aircraft carrier has two nuclear reactors that together produce 600 MW of power. EMALS is powered by a 100,000 horsepower electric motor that serves as a generator, driving a multi-megawatt power system. This motor-generator spins up to 6400 rpm and works as a "charged" motor; act as a generator when switching to send power to load (thereby reducing the torque when supplying power).

For propulsion, this rotor-based kinetic energy is captured and converted into electrical power in two to three second pulses. It takes 45 seconds for the generator to "prime" the rotors, ready to send another burst of power. This motor-generator assembly weighs more than 80,000 pounds, is 13.5 feet long, 11 feet wide and 7 feet high, and can deliver 60 megajoules and 60 megawatts of electricity at its peak. Developers need twelve of these energy storage subsystems (motor generators, generator control towers, and stored power supplies) to accelerate conventional aircraft to speeds of more than 150 miles per second on runways of less than 100 feet. in length.

Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System

:: A linear induction motor has three main parts: a pair of pairs in parallel, separated by a few inches and acting as a track, and a 20-foot-long shuttle (shuttle) sandwiched between them. two beams and can bounce back and forth along their length. The shuttle is attached to the front landing gear of the aircraft using a coupling technique similar to that used by steam catapults; the plane does not require any modification.

The Electromagnetic Rail Aircraft Launch System: Objectives And Principles

Coils form the physical structure of a linear motor; each of which has dozens of independent components along the length, and the cable needed for power (Figure 4). By constantly turning the sun on and off, magnetic waves are created. This magnetic force attracts the front edge of the cart and repels the rear edge, thus pushing the cart forward.

Figure 4: The launch rail (seen in the certification facility) consists of two parallel beams and a moving shuttle; The beam contains a high power electromagnetic coil that must be highly controlled. (Image: Interference Technology/ITEM Media)

:: After starting the flight, the carriage is brought to a stop at 20 meters by the sudden reversal of the linear motor shaft at the end of the beam (this replaces the water brake used by the steam system). After stopping, the cart returns to its starting position by applying a force along the beam, but in the opposite direction from the launch phase.

:: A linear motor's impulse power and total energy requirements are more than conventional batteries or generators can provide.

Pdf) Control Of An Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System Based On A Superconducting Linear Synchronous Motor

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

embraer aircraft maintenance services

embraer aircraft maintenance services

Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services - Essential oil tank repair - Non-Destructive Testing - Structural Repair - Detection and removal of bacterial growth - Oil sample test - Fiber removal and replacement - Edge repair - Rust removal

SEAL Aviation is ready to come to Embraer anywhere in the world to perform the necessary maintenance. Some examples of previous work include replacing a rib clip on an Embraer 120, repairing a wing root leak on an Embraer 145 and removing bacterial growth on an Embraer 135. SEAL Aviation was kindly requested by the Embraer Fort Lauderdale Service Center to provide refueling information. service. capacity in the Embraer 545 fuel tank. Additionally, our Non-Destructive Testing Team can help identify potential weak points before they become a problem, ensuring your Embraer remains leak-free and in good condition.

Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services

Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services

SEAL Aviation is the industry leader when it comes to Embraer Aircraft Overhaul and Maintenance. Our Structural Repair team is mobile and ready to be dispatched to Embraer aircraft for rust removal, leather refinishing, airframe repairs and more. SEAL Aviation maintains a team of professionals around the world to ensure we can provide fast and seamless maintenance across our core SEAL Aviation Services. For example, our Non-Destructive Testing Team can work closely with the Structural Repair Team to ensure that required inspections are completed quickly, reducing time and cost.

Interior Regional Aircraft Conversion On Embraer Aircraft

Contact SEAL Aviation - About us - Leave a review - Customer Center - Certifications - Contracts - Business Partners - Special Promotions - Employee Access Opened in 2002, EAMS provides integral services for heavy maintenance, maintenance and programs, corrections and structural reparaciones, modificaciones, certificados de type complementarios (STC), flight planning and devoluciones de arrendamiento.

"Today we celebrate 20 years of excellence in customer service. I am proud of the work EAMS brings to clients and partners. In the list of other employees Embraer de las organiciones de servicio na soporte de todo el mundo, quiero felicitar a nuestros colleagues de EAMS", Johann Bordais, President and Executive Director of Embraer Services and Support.

Over the years, EAMS increased the speed of conversion to el pequedoran leder mundial de mantenimiento pesado para aviones comerciales Embraer. These installations provide service for half of the world's E-Jets fleet and 80% of the E-Jets fleet in North America.

EAMS is a certified repair center operating under the supervision of the most important regulatory authorities in the world, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the US, the European Union's Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) de Brasil, entre muchas otras.

Embraer Boosts Phenom Maintenance To 800 Flight Hours

A330 A350 A380 AA2000 Aerolínea Argentinas Aeromexico Airbus Air Canada Air Europa Air France Alitalia ALTA Amadeus AMASZONAS American Airlines ANAC Austral in Avianca Azul Linhas Aereas B787 BOA Airbus Air France Argentina International Airlines Il-Airline Airlines Il-Airline Airlines LATAM LATAM LATAM Mexican Airlines Pluna Qantas Qatar Airways Ryanair Tam TAM Airlines Turkish Airlines United Airlines Embraer has announced today at MRO Europe, a major flight maintenance event, the signing of new maintenance contracts and the extension of agreements with African and European operators, to gain customers. better operation with advanced support from the original manufacturer through the TechCare program.

The Embraer Pool Program provides comprehensive coverage of components and component repairs, aircraft maintenance, and unlimited access to the company's extensive stock in distribution centers. Operators experience significant savings in repair and inventory costs, reduce warehouse space required and resources required for repair management, while ultimately providing guaranteed performance levels.

Among European customers, Helvetic Airways Switzerland has expanded its contract pool to add seven E190s to the current agreement that already supports four aircraft. Pan Européenne Aviation France has been a joint customer for more than ten years and has renewed the support contract for the ERJ 135 and ERJ 145 jets. Flybe UK, a long-term pool customer, renewed the pool contract and will benefit from the Original Equipment Manufacturer. (OEM) parts support for the entire E175 and E195 fleet.

Embraer Aircraft Maintenance Services

"We are humbled to sign and renew this mutual agreement that are important endorsements with major customers in Africa and Europe for the high quality and scope of Embraer services," said Johann Bordais, President & CEO, Embraer Services & Support. "This reinforces our commitment to ensure fleet availability and reduce costs, so our customers can operate more efficiently."

Embraer And Air Peace Sign Services Agreement For The E Jets E2s Fleet

TechCare, Embraer's product portfolio, offers a range of efficient, effective and competitive solutions designed for each customer to support Embraer's large fleet of aircraft worldwide and provide the best after-sales experience in the global aviation industry.

After you confirm your email address, you will subscribe to the newsletter. You will receive the latest BizAv industry news and updates when you sign up.

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farthest flying paper airplane

farthest flying paper airplane

Farthest Flying Paper Airplane - About: Age: 15 Name: Tanner Grade 10 (Second Year) Now, you have to understand that I created this account a few years ago and I don't have the same hobbies, tastes and general knowledge that I do now. But even ... More about napalm008 »

In this tutorial I will show you how to make a really nice paper airplane, I think and wonder if it is really the best, but I tested it a while ago and my conclusion is that yes, it is the best paper airplane that ever was. the farthest I have flown in this airplane is 112 feet!!!

Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

Fold in half so that the longer side is perpendicular and closest to half.

Paper Airplanes Show Off New Aerodynamic Effects

Close the cab so it looks like a bullet, if the valve doesn't fit perfectly that's ok. because that's what makes the fly good.

Do not fold the wings so that the wings are down and the bottom of the airplane is very flat

Now that you have the plane ready, if it flies down, fold the back of the wing up, but your plane should fly just fine, keep it about 1/2 inch to your left and up a little. Not sure about the new design? Scientists and engineers often start with models. With models, you can test new ideas on a small scale before scaling them up. They are also cheaper, easier to manufacture and often reveal design flaws.

For us at home, paper airplanes serve as popular models for learning physics, aerodynamics and engineering. Learn how to make paper airplanes fly longer, further and higher with this design challenge - all you need is a piece of paper!

Science Of Flight: Paper Airplanes

Before starting construction, we need to be ready to test all our designs. Find a place in your home where paper airplanes can fly safely. Take a ruler and use tape to mark every 12 inches along the floor. Use the Paper Aircraft Data Collection worksheet to record mileage for several aircraft flights.

How often does your main plane fly? Do you have an idea on how to make your airplane fly further?

Like all airplanes, paper airplanes experience four forces: gravity, thrust, lift and drag. Simple changes such as wing size, weight and throw power can dramatically change the power of your aircraft.

Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

Create and customize different aspects of your plane. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Paper Planes Can Give Kids A Lift During This Pandemic

As the airplane moves, the air moves quickly over the wings. This creates low pressure above the wing and allows high pressure below the wing to lift the aircraft. Try making wider wings or wings that curve up or down at the ends.

Air molecules push forward on the plane as it moves, slowing it down. Keep the nose of your airplane pointed and the body light.

When you launch your plane, you provide thrust that pushes the plane forward through the air. This forward movement causes air molecules to move above the wing and below the wing. Does the strength or angle you throw affect your plan?

The weight of the airplane can drag it down. How does heavier or lighter paper change your airplane?

What Is The Science Behind Paper Airplanes

Test your design skills by trying to fly a paper airplane! After building so many test planes, you should have a good idea of ​​what it takes to make a paper plane that can fly long distances.

Gather your family members and see who can fly the model airplane the farthest. Remember to consider the forces your aircraft will experience when designing the aircraft.

All airplanes, whether in your house or 35,000 feet in the sky, fly because the repulsive and attractive forces are balanced. It may sound simple, but many important design choices contribute to the success of keeping an aircraft in the air.

Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

Although it's been over a century since humans first took to electric flight, new aircraft designs are still emerging. Researchers are particularly interested in ways to make airplanes more environmentally friendly. Over the years, NASA has developed and tested new aircraft technologies, including ways to reduce fuel consumption and noise pollution. Airbus recently unveiled a new aircraft design that promises zero emissions into the atmosphere.

How To Fold A Cool Simulated Paper Airplane! Russian Fifth Generation Aircraft Su 57

Excited to learn more about the aerodynamics behind paper airplanes? Start with some tips from the world record holder for longest paper airplane flight: Aerodynamics explained by record-breaking paper airplane designer

Jennifer Powers is a science educator at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, where she makes science fun for everyone through strategically designed exhibits and hands-on activities. He holds a bachelor's degree in botany and Spanish from Washington State University and a master's degree in plant ecology from the University of Wyoming.

Make a paper toy that spins thousands of times a minute, then measure its speed and try to change it.

Build a hang glider and learn some of the forces involved in flight. Test your design skills to improve the kite's stability in the air.

How To Make A Fast Paper Plane

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Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

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Make Paper Aeroplanes

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How To Fold A World Record Setting Paper Airplane

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Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

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Malaysian Designer Absent As His Paper Plane Charts World Record (video)

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How To Make The Best Paper Planes

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Farthest Flying Paper Airplane

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Learn To Fold The World's Best (literally) Paper Airplane

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elt aircraft

elt aircraft

Elt Aircraft - Scheduled Maintenance We will be performing scheduled maintenance from December 17 at 21:00 PM EST to December 18 at 20:00 PM EST. My apps will be temporarily unavailable during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.

An emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is an essential part of essential flight safety equipment for almost every aircraft, including large passenger jets. ELT uses the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite constellation to transmit highly accurate location data to the appropriate local search and rescue organizations' command centers to help search, rescue and rescue teams locate the crashed aircraft quickly and efficiently.

Elt Aircraft

Elt Aircraft

For over 40 years in the ELT business, Honeywell has provided more emergency locator transmitters for commercial aircraft than anyone else. We manufacture two models of ELTs for Airbus and Boeing aircraft. The RESCU 406® AFN2 transmitter is an automatic fixed navigation device that can be permanently attached to an aircraft, while the RESCU 406SG portable ELT can be easily removed by survivors for use outside the aircraft.

Orolia Launches Aviation Elt Exchange Programme For Lithium Battery Compliance

ELT technology has evolved significantly over the past decade and there are good reasons to consider upgrading your old transmitters to the latest Honeywell technology. Here are five of them:

For more information on Honeywell ELT technology, contact your Honeywell representative or click the link below so we can contact you directly. The new ACR Electronics ELT 345 is designed for easy regeneration and operates at both 406 and 121.5 MHz.

ACR Electronics announced that the Artex ELT 345 emergency detection transmitter has received Cospas-Sarsat and FAA approvals and is now available for sale. The lightweight, small form factor unit is easily adaptable to almost any aircraft and can transmit on both 406 MHz (Cospas-Sarsat) and 121.5 MHz (local search and rescue) frequencies. Cospas-Sarsat is an international 41-nation search and rescue system that uses satellites to detect and locate distress signals carried by ships, aircraft or individuals.

Built-in GPS sensor provides positioning accuracy within 100 meters. When activated using a remote key, a key on the ELT, or triggering a G key, the ELT 345's encrypted digital message includes access to aircraft identification and registration information, aircraft status, and owner contact details.

Acr Unveils Low Cost 406 Mhz Elt 345

According to ACR Electronics, the ELT 345 transmitter, dual-band whip antenna, remote switch, mounting tray, and all necessary hardware cost less than $600. The stainless steel mounting tray is drilled with multiple hole patterns to match the typical mounting holes used for many popular 121.5 ELT types including Artex, ACK, Canadian and American models. Additional functionality includes the ability to test the ELT with, Artex's proprietary online satellite validation testing service. The ELT 345 weighs two pounds including the mounting tray. Power is provided by a six-year-old lithium-ion battery using lithium-manganese-oxide technology.

Fort Lauderdale, Fla. based ACR Electronics designs and manufactures safety and survival products including Artex ELTs, battery packs, ELT accessories, personal positioning beacons, search and rescue transponders, strobe lights, life jacket lights and boat search lights. It is also approved as an FAA Part 145 repair station.

In August, the company announced it was expanding its contract with Southwest Airlines to supply Artex ELT on new Boeing 737 Max aircraft. We and our partners use cookies to store and/or access information on the device. We and our partners use data for personalized advertising and content, advertising and content measurement, audience insights and product development. An example of processed information would be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Some of our partners may process your data without permission as part of their legitimate business interests. Use the vendor list link below to view the purposes they believe have a legitimate interest or to object to this data processing. The consent sent will only be used for the processing of data on this website. If at any time you wish to change your settings or withdraw your consent, the link is in our Privacy Policy, which you can access on our homepage.

Elt Aircraft

An emergency locator transmitter (ELT) is a self-contained, battery-operated transmitter activated by the extreme G forces experienced during a collision. It transmits a digital signal every 50 seconds at a frequency of 406.025 MHz at 5 watts for at least 24 hours. The COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system receives signals from satellites anywhere in the world. Two types of satellites, Low Earth Orbiter (LEOSATs) and Geostationary Satellites (GEOSATs), are used with different, complementary capabilities. The signal is partially processed and stored on satellites and then transmitted to ground stations known as local user terminals (LUTs). Further decoding of the signal is carried out in LUTs and appropriate search and rescue operations are notified by Mission Control Centers (MCCs) established for this purpose.

Shop Emergency Locator (elts)

Note: Watercraft Emergency Locating Lights (EPIRBs) and Personal Locating Lights (PLBs) use exactly the same system. The United States portion of the COSPAS-SARSAT system is maintained and operated by NOAA. Figure 1 shows the key components in the COSPAS-SARSAT system.

Figure 1. Key operating components of the satellite-based COSPAS-SARSAT rescue system of which the ELT aircraft is a part.

ELTs must be fitted to aircraft in accordance with FAR 91.207. This includes most general aviation aircraft that do not operate under Section 135 or 121. The ELT should be inspected within 12 months of the previous inspection for proper installation, battery wear, operation of controls and collision sensors, and adequate signal at the antenna. Built-in test equipment simplifies testing without sending an emergency signal. The rest is visual observation. Technicians are cautioned not to activate the ELT and send an emergency distress signal. The inspection should be recorded in the maintenance records, including the battery's new expiration date. This must also be recorded outside of the ELT.

ELTs are usually mounted aft of the fuselage of the aircraft as far ahead of the ship as practical. An onboard G-force sensor is aligned along the aircraft's longitudinal axis. Helicopter ELTs can be deployed elsewhere in the fuselage. Equipped with versatile activation devices. Follow the ELT and body manufacturer's instructions for proper installation, inspection, and maintenance of all ELTs. Figure 2 shows the locations where the ELTs are mounted.

A Rundown On Aircraft Elts

Figure 2. The emergency locator transmitter (ELT) mounting location is usually well behind the fixed-wing fuselage along the longitudinal axis. Changes location and direction of helicopter mount

The use of Doppler technology allows the 406 MHz ELT signal to be calculated within 2 to 5 kilometers of its source. Second generation 406 MHz ELT digital signals are loaded with integrated GPS location coordinates from a receiver inside the ELT unit or from an outdoor unit. This reduces the accuracy of the crash site location to 100 meters. Digital signals are also loaded with unique registration information. Aircraft, owner and contact details etc. defines. When a signal is received, it is used to immediately verify the validity of the alert to ensure that it is a genuine emergency transmission so that rescue resources are not deployed unnecessarily.

Aircraft-mounted ELTs with automatic G-force activation can be easily removed. Accident victims often have portable antennas so they can leave the site and take the working ELT with them. A flight deck mounted panel is required to alert the pilot if ELT is active. It also allows the ELT to be commissioned, tested and manually activated if necessary. [Figure 3]

Elt Aircraft

Figure 3. An ELT and its components, including cockpit-mounted panel, ELT, fixed-mount antenna, and portable antenna

Elite / Automatic Fixed And Survival Emergency Locator Transmitters (elts)

Modern ELTs can also transmit at 121.5 MHz. This is an analog transmission that can be used for homing. Before 2009, 121.5 MHz was the worldwide emergency frequency monitored by CORPAS-SARSAT satellites. However, it has been replaced by the 406 MHz standard. Transmissions at 121.5 MHz are no longer received and transmitted by the satellite.

The use of the 406 MHz ELT is not mandated by the FAA. Older 121.5 MHz ELTs meet the requirements of FAR section 91.207 on all aircraft except newer aircraft. Thousands of aircraft registered in the United States are equipped with ELTs that, when activated, transmit a 0.75 watt analog 121.5 MHz emergency signal. The 121.5 MHz frequency is still the active emergency frequency and is monitored by aircraft flying over it and control towers.

Technicians should inspect/test 121.5 MHz ELTs in the previous 12 months and check for integrity similar to that required for the 406MHz ELTs listed above. However, older ELTs often lack the built-in test circuits of modern TSO C-126 certified ELTs. Therefore, a real operational test may involve activating the signal. This can be done by removing the antenna and installing a dummy load. Any activation of the ELT signal must be done every hour to 5 minutes after the hour. Activation time should not exceed three auditory scans. It is recommended to contact the local control tower or flight service station prior to testing.

It should be noted that the old 121.5 MHz analog

Emergency Locator Transmitter (elt) Requirements

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facts on paper airplanes

facts on paper airplanes

Facts On Paper Airplanes - A paper airplane (also known as a paper airplane in American Glish or a paper airplane in British Glish) is a toy airplane, usually a glider, made from a single folded sheet of paper or cardboard. A simple paper airplane with a heavy nose that is thrown like a dart is also known as a paper dart.

The origins of the folded paper glider are generally considered to be ancient China, although there is equal evidence that the intricacies and development of the folded glider took place in equal measure in Japan. No doubt large-scale paper production took place in China around 500 BC, and between 460 and 390 BC origami and paper folding became popular.

Facts On Paper Airplanes

Facts On Paper Airplanes

It is impossible to determine where and how the first paper airplane was made, as well as what form the first paper airplane was in.

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For the next millennium or so, paper airplanes became the dominant man-made heavier-than-air vehicle, whose principles can be admired for their high coefficients of friction rather than exceptional long-haul glide performance. All the pioneers of powered flight worked on paper model airplanes to design larger machines. Leonardo da Vinci wrote about making model airplanes out of parchment and testing some of his first ornithopters, wingplanes, and parachute designs using paper models. Later, Sir George Cailey researched the performance of paper sails in the late 19th century. Other pioneers, such as Clemt Ader, prof. Charles Langley and Alberto Santos-Dumont often tested ideas on paper alongside balsa models to validate (scale) their theories before putting them into practice.

Over time, many other designers developed and improved the paper model, using it as an important useful tool in aircraft design. One of the earliest known applications of modern paper airplanes (as in complex structures and many other aerodynamic improvements) was made in 1909.

The construction of a paper airplane, made by Ludwig Prandtl at the banquet of the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics in 1924, was dismissed by Theodor von Kármán as an artless exercise:

Prandtl was also somewhat impulsive. I remember once, at a rather honorable dinner after a conference in Delft, the Netherlands, my sister sitting next to him at the table asked him a question about flight mechanics. He began to explain; In the process, he took paper and built a small model airplane without thinking about where it was. It landed on the shirt of the French Minister of Education, embarrassing my sister and others at the banquet.

The Best Paper Airplane

In 1930, Jack Northrop (co-founder of Lockheed Corporation) used paper airplanes as test models for larger airplanes. In Germany, during the Great Depression, designers at Heinkel and Junkers used paper models to create basic performance and structural forms in key projects such as the Heinkel 111 and Junkers 88 tactical bomber programs.

More recently, paper model airplanes have achieved great complexity and very high flight performance, far from their origami origins, but origami airplanes have gained many new and exciting uses.

The continued development of folded/origami gliders over the same period had similar complexity, including the addition of the following structural improvements.

Facts On Paper Airplanes

Compared to balsa wood -  another material commonly used in model airplane construction  - , the thickness of the paper is greater; as a result, traditional origami paper gliders (see above) suffer from higher drag as well as imperfect aerodynamic wing beams.

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However, unlike balsa sails, paper sails have a much higher strength-to-thickness ratio: for example, an 80 g/m2 office-quality sheet of photocopy/laser printer paper has approximately the strength of aircraft aluminum sheet metal, whereas cardboard, paper model airplane approximates the properties of steel in scale.

Unmodified origami paper airplanes have a very poor glide ratio, usually no better than 7.5:1, depending on construction and materials. Modification of origami paper gliders can result in significant improvements in flight performance, at the expense of weight and often involving aerodynamic and/or structural compromises. Often, increased wing loading can promote laminar flow disruption on a wing with origami and glued-glued construction.

Professors Ninomiia and Mathews (see sections below) developed more focused design strategies in the late 1960s and 1980s. Previously, paper model airplanes were designed with no regard for flight performance. Using aerodynamic design and fluid dynamics, both professors were able to design models that far exceeded previous flight performance benchmarks. Flight range increased from the typical 10+ meters to 85+ meters depending on the energy supplied to the gliders during launch.

In the past, the work of the two professors remains the last serious research effort to improve the flight performance of paper model gliders. Such collaborative work through online forums and personal websites is essentially the development of these original types of sailboats.

History Of The Paper Airplane

In the field of scale model design, there are many opportunities for advanced design. Airfoil gliders face the limitation of improving flight performance due to wing types that typically have curved air profiles. Also, the bodies are either balsa paper or paper laminate, prone to warping or breaking too soon. Performance improvements are possible by modeling three-dimensional fuselages that promote laminar flow, and in wings with internal struts that can have high lift air profiles such as the Clark I or the NACA 4 or 6 series for high take-off.

Ninomiya's design "N-424" from Jet Age Jamboree (1966). The body of the glider is made of several layers of paper glued together. Wings are made of two layers, tail and tail are made of a single lamella.

In the late 1960s in Japan, Professor Yasuaki Ninomiya devised an advanced type of paper airplane that was published in two books, Jet Age Jamboree (1966) and Airborne All-Stars (1967). The designs from these books were later sold as the 'White Wings' series of paper gliders from the 1970s until the first day.

Facts On Paper Airplanes

White wings are completely different from traditional paper airplanes as they are paper patterns whose fuselage and wings are cut and pasted together. They are designed using the principles of low speed aerodynamic engineering. The structure of the model is made of Kt paper, a type of cartridge paper sold in Japan.

Science Of Flight: Paper Airplanes

The first models were strictly hand drawn, but in the 1980s parts were produced using CAD software.

Design Prof. Ninomie also included working air-driven propellers for the first time on any paper model, specifically for the 1967 Cessna Skimaster and Piaggio P.136 scale profiles. F-4 Phantom II model staples etc. It can fly instantly without using it.

High-performance gliders have a rigid body using a balsa body profile bonded to paper components. The paper used is quite heavy, about twice that of standard drawing paper, but lighter than light cardboard. The original white wings were old papers that required patience and skill. Later, however, balsa wood stems were used and the White wings were sold "pre-cut", which made construction easier. The air profile used is Gotting 801 (curved plate) and the model is supplied die-cut of each kit.

In 1984, Professor E.H. Matthews, a lecturer in thermodynamics at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, has published his first summary of high-performance model airplanes. This book was The Paper Pilot (Struik, 1984).

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This book was very successful and led to the additional volumes Paper Pilot 2 (1988), Paper Pilot 3 (1991), 12 Airplanes for the Paper Pilot (1993) and a standalone model book, the Ju-52.

Unreleased models include the Airbus A320, similar to the Ju-52 featured in the Tekkies youth program in 1996.

The books included pattern patterns printed on lightweight cardstock to give the aircraft good long-range performance.

Facts On Paper Airplanes

Public interest in the gliders and their success in publishing allowed some developments to be broadcast on South African television in 1988, following the publication of the first book, and again in 1993, coinciding with the national paper airplane competition for its release. Paper Pilot 3.

Funny Dad Facts Mug By Paper Plane

The aerodynamic design of the gliders was achieved using an optimized small wind tunnel - the Britt Norman Trislander flat glider was filmed at this facility with weight balances used to demonstrate flight optimization.

The glider parts were designed using Autodesk AutoCAD R12, the most advanced version of this CAD software and one of the first publicly available paper airplane models designed using this technology.

The glider construction closely parallels that used in Dr Ninomiya's White Wings series flat gliders.

Paper pilot gliders use a curved airfoil for best performance. Like the White Wings gliders, their designs are very sensitive to trim and are actually capable of performing indoor flights in indoor conditions in average conditions.

Paper Airplanes: Building, Testing, & Improving. Heads Up!

Most early releases are equipped with catapult hook patterns and demos

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